Why FosterCat?
Foster Cat, Inc. is all about saving lives. It's as simple as that. We are an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to the proposition that all cats and kittens deserve safe, loving, permanent homes.
Our foster parents provide temporary care for cats and kittens in their
homes until they can be placed for adoption. Their compassion provides
the second chance that so many stray, abandoned or homeless kitties
need, and the satisfaction of knowing that they have helped save the
lives of these helpless animals.
FosterCat provides training and support, medications, food and litter as needed, and absorbs all veterinary expenses associated with the care of our kitties. If you love kitties and would like to be a part of our lifesaving team, consider opening your heart and home to cats or kittens in need. We promise you won’t regret it! If you can’t foster, you can still help save lives as a volunteer or supporting member. Click on “How You Can Help”, above, for more information.
New Website!
We have redesigned our web site! Here is the link to the new site.
This old site will no longer be updated as of August 30, 2018. All future updates will take place on the new site only. Please update any bookmarks or favorites you may have. The easiest way to do this is to go to the new site, bookmark it, then delete the old bookmark (old bookmarks will reference 'index.php')
Bingo Fundraiser Event September 23rd

Mark your calendar for FosterCat, Inc.'s upcoming Bingo fundraiser event! The event is being held at the Royal Place Restaurant, 2660 Library Road, Pittsburgh on Sunday, September 23, 2018. Doors open at 12:00PM.
Royal Place is on Route 88 near where it meets Route 51 in Castle Shannon in the South Hills.
In addition to the bingo game cash prizes, you'll be able to enter in our 50/50 Raffle and Chinese Auction for some really cat-tastic prizes!
Did we mention door prizes? Of course there will be door prizes. Your ticket enters you into the door prize drawings. So many ways to win!
Tickets are $30 each for 10 bingo games (6 cards to a game). Tickets may be purchased in advance, or at the door. Advance tickets can be purchased with Paypal here. Or call 412-481-9144 for advance ticket purchases. You can also send an email to us, at info@fostercat.org to request tickets. Please provide your name, address, phone number and number of tickets. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements here, on our Facebook page, and in our newsletter.
Chewey's Chance
I oftentimes wonder how some of the cats/kittens we rescue that are friendly, end up as outside cats. Were they born outside? Did a relative pass away or go into a nursing home? Were they the victim of someone moving out of their house who did not want to take the cat with them? Were the owners caught by some landlord that did not permit cats? All of these scenarios are possibilities that run through my mind every time we rescue a cat outdoors. If only the animals could talk and let us know how they ended up fending for themselves, it would lighten our burden and help us try to understand what they have been through and what we can do to help. Chewey was one of those cats who was extremely friendly and for whatever reason, was outside trying to fend for himself.
I first found out about
Chewey from Jen who
lives in Green Tree. She
had been feeding
Chewey on a regular basis
since January and decided
to get him an outdoor
shelter since the
temperatures had been
frigid. When her landlord
found out, he forbid her
to leave food out so she
would feed Chewey whenever she saw him. So as
to not anger her landlord, Jen would immediately
pick up the food after feeding. For that reason,
Chewey would gulp the entire bowl of food down
at one time because he knew he would not get
any more for the day. He would then proceed to
vomit all of the food due to gorging. This went on
for some time and Jen was desperate to get him
help. She decided to email the FosterCat website
and I immediately called to see if we could help. I
gave her my cell phone number and Jen then texted
me a picture of Chewey. I could see that he was
extremely sick with runny and red eyes, emaciated, not neu-
tered and barely clinging to life on the streets alone. With
Jen and Homeless Cat Management Team's expertise, they
were able to get him in a carrier and bring him to us.
Chewey spent the first week in a cage in foster on meds
for his upper respiratory infection. Within a few days, Chewey
started spitting up large pools of blood. I immediately took
him to our expert vet and after a few tests, it was determined
that he had ingested something in his stomach which
caused it to be sore and inflamed. There were no masses or
tumors so that was a huge relief. Chewey was then given a
ten day regimen on anti-nausea pills and an antibiotic shot
for upper respiratory infection. It was also determined at
that time that Chewey has FIV. Not many people know
about FIV and there have been conflicting reports from
various vets about this disease. Most vets now agree
that as long as the cat is neutered, not fighting and
kept strictly indoors, there is little chance that this disease
can be transferred to any companion cat and they
can live a normal lifespan. According to FIV Cat Rescue,
FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) is a feline only,
slow-acting virus. It is so slow to progress that most
FIV+ cats die of old age.
Once thought to be
deadly and highly contagious,
it has since been
found to be neither.
Since being diagnosed, Chewey has been through multiple tests and vet visits and he is now getting the care he needs to be healthy and happy once again. Once gorging his food, Chewey now eats normal meals and doesn't gulp his food, thereby eliminating any stomach issues. Chewey's eyes, once red and runny, have healed and he is just one happy little guy! He chirps and runs around and plays all day. With your support, we are able to help countless cats like Chewey have a happy, healthy ending and that is what FosterCat is all about. Did I mention that Chewey is waiting patiently for his new forever home?
Thinking of Moving?
Housing issues are one of the leading causes of pet surrender. We now feature an up to date list of pet-friendly apartments in and around Pittsburgh. You can find it here and in the list of resources on the right of this page.
They also recently published a guide with tips on finding pet-friendly housing, that may also be helpful.
Attention, All Adopters
Many of you have kindly kept in touch with us via emailed updates and photos of your adopted kitties, and we hope you will continue to do so. Please note, however, that the email address to send them to has changed. Please make note of the change and direct all future emails/photo attachments to bsnowymarie@comcast.net. Thanks, and keep those updates coming. We love to receive them!
Thank You!
Thank you to all who supported FosterCat by visiting Hines Ward's Table 86. FosterCat received 20% of each bill. The funds raised will go to pay for food, supplies and veterinary care for our cats in foster homes. We very much appreciate your continuing support.
No Spaghetti Dinner this year
We regret that we must cancel our usual annual spaghetti dinner due to diminishing attendance and shortage of event volunteers.
Happy Birthday, May
Some of our long term members and supporters may remember the September 2005 issue of the Litter Scoop, which featured three senior kitties we had recently helped to find their forever homes. One of those kitties was May, a 9 year old brown tabby we had taken into our care from the Western PA Humane Society in December 2004. She was adopted from the Century Square PetSmart a few months later and has been a much loved member of David K.'s family ever since.
Over the years, David has been kind enough to send us photos and periodic updates about how May was doing. Earlier this year, when he mailed his 2017 membership donation, he included a handwritten note: “May is still doing well and will be 21 in July.”
So please join us in sending a special belated birthday greeting to this very special FosterCat alumna. Happy 21st, May, and you keep on going, girl.
2017 Membership Drive Sets New Record
We are very pleased to announce that thanks to the faithfulness and generosity of our friends and supporters FosterCat was able to raise $4004.00 for the care of our kitties through this year's membership drive mailing, surpassing last year's record of $3780.00. We are sincerely grateful to all of you who became members or renewed your memberships for 2017.
Fund-raising Coordinator Needed
Fund-raising is a crucial component of the activities of all nonprofit organizations and FosterCat is no exception. None of us can fulfill our missions without the financial support of businesses and individuals who value the work we perform and are willing to invest financially in our continuing efforts.
We are looking for a special person to take on the role of Fund-raising Coordinator for FosterCat. That person would, first of all, believe in our mission and personally care about the welfare of homeless cats and kittens in our area. He/she would be a self starter, able to pick up the ball and run with it under the direction of, but with a minimum of day to day oversight by the FosterCat board. He/She would be creative in looking for new opportunities/venues for raising funds and suggesting ways to improve events we have already used. He/she would be skilled at recruiting and organizing the activities of volunteers, and soliciting donations and other types of support from individuals and businesses.
If you believe that you possess these skills/attributes and could pursue this job with sincere enthusiasm, please contact us via our website at www.fostercat.org.
New Rescue Magazine To Support FosterCat
We have registered FosterCat as a charity for the new magazine "Rescue Me." Kellie Gormly, one of our volunteers, who is a journalist, will have a column in every issue!
It does not cost FC anything to register and if you are interested in subscribing, please reference FosterCat and the Rescue ID number for FosterCat C831. FosterCat will receive $19.95 for each $29.95 subscription fee received.
You can register online at www.readysetrescue.com or call 800-738-2665.
Please encourage friends and relatives to subscribe and remember to use our FosterCat ID C831 on all subscription orders!
Attention Cat Lovers in the South Hills Area
FosterCat, Inc. is seeking responsible, cat loving caregivers to provide temporary love and care for homeless cats until permanent homes are found. FosterCat, Inc. is a local 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Contact FosterCat, Inc. at 412-481-9144 or click here to learn more about becoming a FosterCat foster parent and to submit a foster application.
Visit FosterCat's Adoptables at these places:
Come see some of our cats at the Cranberry, Monroeville, Northway Mall and Pleasant Hills PetSmart Locations!
Animal Abuse Hotline for Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has established a statewide toll-free hotline for reporting cases of animal abuse. Concerned citizens observing incidents of abuse may contact the Society at (866) 601-SPCA.
Our Mission
The mission of FosterCat Inc. is to develop and sustain an organization to provide temporary foster care for cats and kittens in private homes until permanent homes can be found.